월 스트리트:머니 네버 슬립스 (2010) Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps

yes 2023.02.18 15:09:18

 월 스트리트:머니 네버 슬립스 (2010)   Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps



등장인물 ; gordon gekko, jacob(jake), lou, winnie, Zabel

you want to know what the mother of all bubbles was?

it came out of nowhere. it was by chance.

it happened around 530 million years ago.


what are all those angry liberals going to do without their daily fix, baby?

baby, come here. no. what did i ever see in you?

gordon, good to have you on the program.

before he went to prison for insider trading and securities fraud.


well, it'd be good if we could get another $100 million. we could pick up maybe six months on our schedule.


that's an oil field that's barely been touched.

so we know they won't let anything too bad happen here.

my suggestion is that we get aggressive.

equatorial guinea's a pretty tough dictatorship.


you mean the deal that we already sank $50 million into, Mr. brainiac?

it's priced right for us to make three to five times on our money.


do me a favor. don't ask me dumb questions.

i thouht maybe the news out of london would've wrecked the mood.


i'm just an old dinosaur.

i remember when the pro sent me you.

you spend it. somebody has to keep our economy going.




you mean the private client foyer?

she was scoping you for the kill, bro.

so young, and already pricing yourself off the market.

home loan defaults are just the first raindrop in the mother of all storms.

he's speaking next week up at your old alma mater, fordham.

the only god you worship is Zabel.


i'll make you a bet right now.

don't do that. leave her out of this.

why would he spot-bonus me right now if we were in trouble, huh?

it makes no sense.

i'll ream you on the commission.


guys, we're looking at an unprecedented meltdown here.

it is an amazing story. keller zabel stock is getting hammered.

take the haircut and sell. you're on a 50% margin, buddy.


i can get to the bottom of these derivatives.

louis, are we going under?




they pulled out at 7:00 pm.

three-quarters of the banking houses at this table are holding the same paper, and you're gonna let keller zabel fail?

you're all committing suicide.


you vindictive bastard.

you're out of your mind.'