[bookstack] 북스택 도커 설치
북스택 ?
- 블로그랑 비슷하지만, 여러 글을 묶어 한편의 책을 만들수 있는 포멧
image: lscr.io/linuxserver/bookstack
container_name: bookstack
- PUID=1000
- PGID=1000
- TZ=asia/seoul
- APP_URL=http://localhost:6875 #실제 접속 url 입력
# APP_KEY must be a unique key. Generate your own by running
# docker run -it --rm --entrypoint /bin/bash lscr.io/linuxserver/bookstack:latest appkey
# You should keep the "base64:" part for the option value.
- APP_KEY=base64:tFn7RpywRbrz0zOtBPiAs99d1MVdKpq0wz6jlCa3Hhc=- DB_HOST=mariadb
- DB_PORT=3306
- DB_DATABASE=bookstack
- DB_USERNAME=bookstack
- DB_PASSWORD=bookstack8432
- ./bookstack_app_data:/config
- 6875:80
restart: unless-stopped# The container for the database which BookStack will use to store
image: lscr.io/linuxserver/mariadb
container_name: mariadb
- PUID=1000
- PGID=1000
- TZ=asia/seoul
# You may want to change the credentials used below,
# but be aware the latter three options need to align
# with the DB_* options for the BookStack container.
- MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mysupersecretrootpassword
- MYSQL_DATABASE=bookstack
- MYSQL_USER=bookstack
- MYSQL_PASSWORD=bookstack8432
- ./bookstack_db_data:/config# These ports are commented out as you don't really need this port
# exposed for normal use, mainly only if connecting direct the the
# database externally. Otherwise, this risks exposing access to the
# database when not needed.
# ports:
# - 3306:3306
restart: unless-stopped
초기 아이디와 비번
email : [email protected]
password : password